Follow the escapades of Captain Jack through each film! Each page is linked to the previous scene and the following scene.
Many scenes have multiple pages - DON'T MISS A PAGE! - watch for the page number at the top and the page links at the bottom.
Click the jpg for the original size and save... or click BMP to download the 1,199 kb bmp to your computer.
Slideshows are self-playing (*.exe). Two second interval. Use your spacebar to advance an image sooner.
Onmouseover, an occasional quote "Q" from the characters or a comment "C" from my perspective...
means Video Clip - resizable to Full Screen!
Enjoy your voyage with Captain Jack Sparrow!
Follow the escapades of Captain Jack through each film! Each page is linked to the previous scene and the following scene.
Many scenes have multiple pages - DON'T MISS A PAGE! - watch for the page number at the top and the page links at the bottom.
Click the jpg for the original size and save... or click BMP to download the 1,199 kb bmp to your computer.
Slideshows are self-playing (*.exe). Two second interval. Use your spacebar to advance an image sooner.
Onmouseover, an occasional quote "Q" from the characters or a comment "C" from my perspective...

Enjoy your voyage with Captain Jack Sparrow!
All Pictures On This Page Captured By Maureen.
Captain Jack Belongs To The World! If You Take My Pictures For Your Site Or Fanwork, Please Provide A Link Back To